Monday, September 8, 2008

A Nice New Shiny Fort Rucker

The McCains could have personally paid for the repair, maintenance, and construction of roads, airfields, and parking lots of medium size military base, Fort Rucker (Alabama) for example.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Guide to Community Organizing

First you'd have to believe that community organizing was helpful, but assuming they cleared that hurdle for $300,000 you could purchase 22,107 books on community organizing.

Or better still 19, 218 books about how to Win Your Election the Wellstone Way

Copies of the Constitution

$300,000 will buy you 101, 694 copies of the Constitution That's enough for every single New Hampshire Republican who supported John McCain to get their own copy, with enough left over to give to 86% of his supporters in Utah one as well. You never know, it might come in handy.

Race the Iditarod

Even with race organizers planning to increase entry fees, $300,000 would still pay for 75 entries into the Iditarod. Though that would leave just 25% of the slots for non-McCain-Palin sled teams.

Americorps Stipend

For $300,000 Cindy and John McCain could have paid for 28 AmeriCorps volunteers to help recruit and train others to work on issues of disaster preparedness - in Phoenix.

Disabled Veteran's Benefits

With $300,000 you could provide disability benefits for 25 Vietnam Veterans for a year.


$300,000 could buy a year's supply of AZT for 109 people


Now that the market for eyeglasses has globalized a pair can be had for as low as $8. At those rates, $300,000 would buy you 37,500 pairs. That is enough pairs that rvery person in Juneau, Alaska's second biggest city, could receive one with several thousand left over.

Keg of Budweiser

$300,000 is enough to buy 3,260 kegs of Budweiser, though you'd figure since Cindy's family fortune came from being a distributor they might get a better deal.


$300,000 could buy 813 Botox treatments or enough to stay in a constant state of facial paralysis for 203 years

Plumpy Nut

$300,000 would provide 8,571 children with Plumpynut (a famine relief food).

Pizza at Moose's Tooth

Cindy and John would have to visit Anchorage to spend their money buying 19,354 large pepperoni pizzas from Moose's Tooth but it's worth the trip.

93.9 Tons of Pennies

$300,000 worth of pennies is 30M coins.
They would weigh about 93.9 tons.
When laid flat, they'd take up s bit more than 117,000 square feet.
When stacked, they'd be nearly 30 miles high.

The stack would be three times the size of the stack pictured here:


$300,000 is enough to buy back Governor Palin’s airplane on ebay and then buy another as a spare.


$300,000 is enough for the McCain's to buy 176 teleprompters

Moose Hunting

$300,000 is enough to buy 257 days of guided moose hunting

22 Years of Work

$300,000 is equivalent to 45,801 hours worth of work at the current minimum wage (or 1,145 weeks at 40hrs per week. That’s 22 years of working at minimum wage)

Art classes

$300,000 could buy art classes for 1,775 children at the Des Moines Art Center

School Desks

300,000 is enough to buy 6,037 school desks or 3.2 school desks for each of the children under 18 living in Wasilla.

33 Bass Boats

$300,000 is enough to buy 33 bass boats

Slot Machines

$300,000 is enough to buy 153 slot machines. It seems John likes to take changes, likes to gamble.


300,000 is enough to buy 24,549 widescreen DVDs of the movie 300 (with shipping of course).

Gold Medals

300,000 is enough to make 1,000 gold medals.

Social Security

300,000 is 249 months of social security for the average 72 year old male recipient (or 20 years and nine months).


300,000 is enough for John McCain to buy 705 round trip (non-stop!) tickets from Phoenix to Washington, DC.


300,000 is enough to buy 81,521 gallons of gas at the national average.